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Welcome to a Journey of Biblical Discovery by an amateur futurist, part-time storyteller, and full-time IT nerd.

The Journey

I am a big fan of taking faith apart and putting it back together.


We are supposed to live in Joy and Reverence, not Anger and Fear

I do this because I believe there is a vibrant, loving, grace-filled story of Creation that is begging to be unleashed into the world. Here, I offer a less abrasive approach. While others may shout “do A and B and C or spend eternity in hell”, I contend that hell is no reason for heaven. I believe we should seek God, we should embrace God, not out of fearing judgment, but out of love and wonder and awe.

Joy and Reverence

I support a faith that is running towards Heaven, not running away from Hell. In my view, we should be running towards God in love, treating each moment as a precious gift to bring a little heaven on earth. If we focus on being present and doing what is needed in each moment, Eternity will take care of itself.

Walking in these quantum moments of sanctifying grace, we learn to exist in a more permanent state of reverence, giving thanks and showing gratitude. In these moments we find deep, satisfying joy. When we live into the Fruit of the Spirit. We have the Spirit poured into us so that we may pour it back out into others. This passing on of goodness simply make the world a better place, on moment at a time.

Intentional Inclusion

As we move more into the grace of each moment, we cannot help but notice what may have missed before, other people, other relationships, subtle situations where we simply stepped over what is now obvious. We may see where humanity has not taken care of creation. We may see how our actions impact others in ways we didn’t understand before.

Mostly we become curious. We intentionally seek more information. We intentional include other voices in order to understand other perspectives, with the goal of making connections so we act in ways that are pleasing to God.

Existing in Joy and Reverence, practicing Intentional Inclusion, is, to me, the set of themes that define a worthy faith.

The Rainbow and the Grey

God breaths diversity into being with “Let there be light.” The creation of white light, the light of the sun and the stars. the light of the first day and every day after, is the combination of the diverse colors of the visible light spectrum. The rainbow AND is a reminder that all of God’s children, every last person on the planet, is made in the image of God, part of the holy group of people who come in all forms.

After many days on my journey, I finally settled on a logo, something that represents my personal theology Rainbow AND resting on the grey background is my representation what I believe are the 3 important narratives set down in the biblical Book of Genesis: Relationship, Diversity, and Choice.

The grey background represents our current state of In Between, gifted to us in the form of choice. Every one of us. We are In Between good choices and bad choices. We are In Between the endpoints of light and dark (the absence of that light). In every moment we get to choose.

When I put the two together, I have an image that reminds me that we are all connected as people, and we are all connected with creation. What we do with these relationships is up to each of us, in each moment. I should choose wisely.

More about the Rainbow and the Grey

Belief Reaffirmed


The metanarrative of Choice


The metanarrative of Love


The metanarrative of Live

Making Heaven on Earth

Why we do is more important than what we do.

The Big Story

The big broad themes that race across Christian Scriptures.

The Intentional Age

Why we do is more important than what we do.